- Video Games

A video game console is a dedicated electronic device designed to play video games. Here we have a list of the latest 7th generation most popular video game consoles.

  • Nintendo Revolution (2006)
  • PlayStation 3 (March 2006 release)
  • Xbox 360 (November 2005 release)
  • PlayStation Portable (2005)


    Four Psychological Powers of Teddy Bears

    Teddy bears are a wonderful tool for psychological health. Look around your home and the home of your friends. Almost every home has a collectable teddy bear or a teddy bear figurine. What is so powerful about a teddy bear? Why does even the thought of a teddy bear bring a smile to your face? Teddy bears are cherished, many are collectable, and there are so many types of cuddly collectable teddy bears. This is understandable when you realize that there are four powerful psychological effects of teddy bears.

    First, teddy bears are the symbol of child-like innocence. They remind of us of being nurtured and cared for by others. Teddy bears are a symbol of the care free moments of childhood when are greatest concerns were the next play time. We all hold on to our "inner child" that still remains with us.

    No matter what adult responsibilities that we may have, we all need to have moments of escape. Also, there are children in our lives that are still receiving their quota of teddy bear gifts. Second, teddy bears remind us of a special person who loved us and brought us a teddy bear. Teddy bears remind us of the joy of being loved. Teddy bears are not a sex symbol?.they are a love symbol! They remind us that someone loves us and treasures us.

    Psychological assessment tests have proven teddy bears have a positive effect on people's emotions. The psychological necessities for love and caring are central to human lives. Teddy bears are used by police officers and fire fighters to bring comfort to families who are experiencing difficulties. They are a universal symbol of caring.

    Third, Teddy bears are also used as gift to remember special occasions. Therefore, teddy bears are treasured for the memory that they represent. It may be a special boyfriend or girlfriend, or a teddy bear from our youth, or a teddy bear purchased for Mother's Day. I have a special teddy bear on my bed, given to me by my son on Mother's Day.

    Each time I look at the bear, holding a heart, I think of my son and a warm feeling floods my heart. The psychological value of treasured memories is great. Pleasant memories color our world with happy thoughts and bring comfort in difficult times. The fourth powerful psychological impact is the power of the soft touch.

    A huggable, warm teddy bear brings the comfort of touch. Touch is a powerful need among human beings. Holding something soft gives us immense psychological comfort.

    The ability to hug a soft object provides a seductive combination. Holding a teddy bear is a simple pleasure that provides relief from stress. A few moments with a teddy bear are a simple tool to bring your blood pressure down, put positive endorphins in your body, and provide a moment of peace. It is amazing to realize that a teddy bear is a unique personalized gifts and special stuffed animals, could impart such comfort.

    Teddy bears are special. In today's hectic world, a teddy bear is a proven comfort item with multiple psychological benefits. Hug a teddy bear today!.

    Priscilla V. Marotta provides helpful industry insights into teddy bears. To know more about Collectable teddy bears, unique personalized gifts, psychological effects of teddy bears visit

    Video Game Reviews

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    Everyone has seen an Xbox and a PS2 in action and we are all waiting to see which of the two next generation consoles for the two systems will have the edge when it comes to graphics. We have all seen the screenshots of the games on the two systems but what about actual gameplay graphics. Despite the hot debate, when you look at the numbers the two systems use a different but equally effective method of delivering graphics processing power. The XBOX uses a custom ATI processor with 48 graphics pipelines and the PS2 has a custom NVIDA graphics processor with an estimated 24 pipelines. The numbers are misleading because the PS2 piplines are more powerful than the XBOX pipelines. In the end the two different graphics processors will deliver about the same amount of power, we can expect to see impressive results from both sides.

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