- Video Games

A video game console is a dedicated electronic device designed to play video games. Here we have a list of the latest 7th generation most popular video game consoles.

  • Nintendo Revolution (2006)
  • PlayStation 3 (March 2006 release)
  • Xbox 360 (November 2005 release)
  • PlayStation Portable (2005)


    Ways to Take Distance Learning Courses

    Distance learning gives people an educational opportunity without them attending traditional classes. Many people know about distance learning courses online, but there are various ways for taking the course. Some courses use a number of methods to provide the students their materials, while others will only do one method. Some of the more common methods are videos, web based instruction telecourses and programs through mail in. The most known method of distance learning is online courses. People can get certificates, degrees, diplomas or some credits by using distance learning courses online.

    Many of the classes are done through web based classes and they use computer applications to transmit information. The courses require an email address, internet connection, and word processing programs. A great advantage of distance learning courses online is that you can access the course from any computer that has internet access. This means that classes can be accessed from a friend's house, internet caf� or a library. If they are not home and remember that they had to do something to an assignment, they can find a computer to access the net and edit or add to it. Video is sometimes a medium used to offer distance learning courses by universities and colleges.

    The courses have instructions on video, textbooks and home work assignments. The library can be used by students to look at the video and do the assignments. To send and receive assignments to students, a professor would normally use email. If email is not used then students may be given an appointment for occasional office visits. Your progress will be discussed and your questions answered. Video courses works well for students who go to a university or college, but want some freedom for a semester or two.

    Courses taught with the use of television programs are called telecourses. The programs are provided at times scheduled and integrate with assignments or course textbooks. Similar to video course teachers, telecourse teachers use email for sending and receiving assignments. If your TV has the station then the telecourse can be viewed at home. A good advantage is that it can be found at the library, if a class is missed. Mail based programs are one method that is hardly used.

    Your coursework that is required is sent through the mail. You then go online to take quizzes and tests. There is some times as well where the quizzes and tests can be mailed to the distance learning program. A clear disadvantage is that it can take a long time to mail the information back and forth. Some programs combine methods where students get studying material printed but finish all their work online. Choose a method and you will be able to free some time on your schedule and you would not have to pause your education if life gets very busy.

    Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Magill.

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    Video Game Reviews

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    XBOX 360 vs. PS3: An In Depth Look
    by Tony James

    All gamers are awaiting the release of the Xbox 360 and the PS3. This article takes an in depth look at how the two systems compare.


    Everyone has seen an Xbox and a PS2 in action and we are all waiting to see which of the two next generation consoles for the two systems will have the edge when it comes to graphics. We have all seen the screenshots of the games on the two systems but what about actual gameplay graphics. Despite the hot debate, when you look at the numbers the two systems use a different but equally effective method of delivering graphics processing power. The XBOX uses a custom ATI processor with 48 graphics pipelines and the PS2 has a custom NVIDA graphics processor with an estimated 24 pipelines. The numbers are misleading because the PS2 piplines are more powerful than the XBOX pipelines. In the end the two different graphics processors will deliver about the same amount of power, we can expect to see impressive results from both sides.

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